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Get Around

The City of Carroll is filled with amenities and perks like parks, restaurants, and shops. If you need assistance traveling to the greater parts of our city or need some help with your traveling goals, please use the following information as a transportation guide to reach your wanted destiny. We have multiple cab services and bus options available.

Taxi Services

There is currently one Taxi Service within the City of Carroll:

Tillers Cab Services: 712-847-2102

Taxi Ticket Program

To apply for reduced price taxi tickets, please fill out this form and return to City Hall. Any Carroll resident age 60 years of age or older or a person with a physical or mental disability as certified by a physician may apply for the tickets. Each book of ten (10) tickets costs $35.00. Tillers Cab LLC does accept Taxi Tickets. For any other questions regarding the Program, please contact the transportation office at Region XII at 712-792-9914.

Bus Transportation

There are busing options for Carroll ranging from motor coach rentals to party buses to public transportation options.

  • Winstar Lines – bus and motorcoach rentals (712-792-4221)
  • Bud’s Party Lines – party bus options (712-790-6963)
  • Region 12 Public Transit – door-to-door services (712-792-9914)


The Arthur N. Neu Minicipal Airport has been located in Carroll since the 1940s. One of the busiest in Western Iowa with around 700 landings per month, this airport hosts two paved and lighted runways and has hangar space for 24 airplanes.