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Airport Commission

The Arthur N Neu Airport at Carroll, Iowa is Managed by a 5-member board of Carroll residents who are appointed by the Carroll City Council to 6-year terms.

The functions of the Airport Commission are:   

  • To hire and supervise the responsibilities of the Airport Manager.
  • To work with the Federal Aviation Administration and the Aviation Division of the Iowa DOT on construction projects.
  • To enforce the City and County Zoning Regulations protecting the Airport.
  • To manage the maintenance and replacement of the Airport mowing and snow removal equipment.
  • To manage the maintenance and repair of the Airport buildings.
  • To manage the maintenance and repair of the Airport Fuel System.
  • To ensure compliance with State and Federal Environmental Regulations regarding the fuel system, aircraft fueling and ag spraying operations.
  • To work with City Officials on the airport annual budget and projects and to keep the City informed with the Commission meeting minutes and any operational issues which affect the City.

The Carroll Airport Commission Members  

MemberPhoneEmailTerm Expires
Norman Hutcheson, Chairman712-790-3021[email protected]12/31/2028
Greg Siemann712-830-0250[email protected]12/31/2026
Kevin Wittrock712-830-1207[email protected]12/31/2030
Dick Fulton712-210-4907[email protected]12/31/2030
Gene Vincent712-830-0240[email protected]12/31/2029

The Carroll Airport Commission meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Board Room at the Arthur N Neu Airport East of Carroll. The Meetings are open to the Public.

Contact Information

21177 Quail Avenue
Carroll, Iowa

